How much does your happiness cost?

woman smiling with her whole heart

They say money is "a" root of all evil,

but I believe false happiness is as well. Have you asked your yourself this question lately, HOW MUCH DOES YOUR HAPPINESS COST?!

We think everything has a price so when we monetize happiness that is when it becomes highly saturated. People create events, tv shows, movies, music, etc. to provide an illusion of happiness you think you need.The sad part is some of us never really explore the idea of happiness because that feeling has already been created for us, but not by us.

Happiness should be a personal experience that is discovered individually and heightened by the collaboration of others' enjoyment.

When you do not know what makes you truly happy, you do not have the ability to add to happiness in others' lives. It would be like the blind leading the hopeless. Whether it be happiness within yourself or within a relationship, it needs to be discovered, but are you willing to pay the price of ridding yourself of the false happiness you are used to?


It’s all about perspective.


The power of generational relationships.